The Latest Effective Ways to Reduce Addiction to Alcohol

kata Pos. Jakarta, Reminding people about the dangers of alcoholism sometimes feels difficult. Scaring them with the risks or adverse effects of alcohol on health often does not work effectively.

However, reminding addicts that getting drunk will embarrass themselves may be an effective way. This was found in a recent study from the University of Adelaide, Australia, some time ago.

The study shows that reminding addicts about the risk of embarrassing themselves is more effective than highlighting the health effects. The reason, researchers found that adults aged 30-65 years only have small concerns about the adverse effects of alcohol on health.

The results of this study were obtained after researchers analyzed the response of alcohol consumption in 13 previous studies. They found that middle-aged people were exposed to enough information about the health risks of consuming alcohol. However, they do not care about the health risks.

Instead, researchers assess health campaigns to reduce alcohol consumption can be more effective if they focus on the risk of embarrassing behavior that arises from drinking too much. Affected by alcohol or drunkenness can lead to out of control behavior that is often embarrassing.

"It's surprising that health doesn't really affect the way these groups think about their drinking habits. These results help us know which factors might need to be considered when trying to reduce alcohol consumption in this group," study leader Emma Muhlack was quoted as saying by The Telegraph.

The researchers then suggested that calls for abandoning alcohol focus on embarrassing things such as failure to fulfill family responsibilities and the possibility of losing respect.


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